Hey, I'm Entisar, nice to meet you!

Your personal guide at the Heartbreak Academy!

I know firsthand how heartbreak feels 💔 - the overwhelm of emotions, feeling like the rug has been pulled from under you.

About almost six years ago, I faced a heartbreak that shattered my world. I had poured my hopes and dreams into a fairly new relationship, after being a single mom for quite some years. We had just welcomed a beautiful babygirl together, and I was also raising my 12-year-old son from a previous relationship. The pain of that separation (not by choice - he left!) hit me double hard. I felt like such a failure. I truly felt like shit! Or as we say in Dutch: "ik voelde me zwaar klote."

But here's what I want you to know: healing is possible. If I could navigate through that storm and rebuild my life, so can you! I'm here to support you in rediscovering your confidence and creating a fulfilling future.

As a 47-year-old single and proud mother living in the Netherlands with Eritrean roots, adopted by a Dutch family living in Sudan in 1977 when I was only 4 days old (I tell you that story another time!), I bring a unique perspective to this journey. I have a passion for music and recently completed my first novel-manuscript 'Zula'' inspired by the life of my Eritrean biological mother who was a badass soldier (freedomfighter) fighting against Ethiopia in the Eritrean War of Independence back in the 1970s. You can read more about that story and my writing journey on my Instagram.

Now that you know where I am coming from... let me ask you this:

Do you want to stay stuck? OR... are you READY to transform your life?

Let's do this journey together! Let's go!❤️

Survival Guide For A Broken HeartSurvival Guide For A Broken Heart
Guided Meditation to Release Your ExGuided Meditation to Release Your Ex
Daily Self-Love AffirmationsDaily Self-Love Affirmations